Fermented Chicken Food

I’m a part of lots of chicken and quail groups on Facebook and they’re a wealth of information and tips about chicken and quail care, whether you’re just starting out or a long time keeper.  I especially like looking at everyone’s set ups, and getting ideas for further run and coop expansion.  Today’s lockdown chicken project is one I’d heard of but was explained in more detail on a post on a quail group: fermented feed. It’s such a great concept and after watching a few YouTube videos, I thought I’d get a batch going for the chickens.

Fermented Chicken Feed on the go

Fermented chicken feed can apparently reduce your chicken feed by up to 40%, it’s more nutritious than in its original form and has probiotics and other goodies. You can use any feed too, I’m using chicken scratch as my chickens are a bit blasé about it in its natural form, but it works with layers pellets too apparently. 

Just fill a container about a third full with feed, fill it another third with water, give it a stir and cover it with something that will let the gases out and three days later, fermented food! Then just drain and feed. You can use some of the water in your next batch to get it going too.

I’ll be giving them this alongside their layers pellets and if it’s success,  I’ll be giving it to my quail too. Speaking of which, thought I’d share their grown up accommodation.

Rabbit hutch into quail housing

It’s a 5ft x 2ft two tier rabbit hutch with a ramp, but with quails notorious for ignoring ramps, my plan is to divide it into to separate enclosures with 5 quail in each depending on how many hatch. It’s going to get a coat of paint before they’re ready to go in but I love it! 

Next up, brooder!



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